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Sandbox and Security Tokens
I've look around on the boards and through the documentation on this, but haven't been able to find an answer. I'm using both the API and a third-party product to connect to Salesforce, and thus need a security token appended to my password (we haven't whitelisted our IP yet, as the IP of the connecting machine periodically changes right now, but we might use a static IP in the future).
connecting to the non-sandbox works fine with the token, but i'm unable to connect to the sandbox data with the same token. Do i need to have a security token generated for the Sandbox login as well? Will this interfere with the "live" login?
How do you reset your security token in your sandbox and actually receive the email? Because my sandbox email address is in the sandbox, I have no way of catching the email containing the new token. I tried changing my email address in the sandbox back to but it wouldn't let me.
I have exactly the same question.
Hey Scott, did you try requesting the sandbox send you an activation link and seeing if the activation email did or didn't arrive in your inbox? After I wrote my message above, I decided to just go ahead and try requesting the activation link even though I was sure it would never arrive - but it did! Not sure how or why but somehow Salesforce did get it to my correct address.
Actually, I figured out what was wrong. When I pulled dev7 from production, it reassigned the email to <my sf email>.dev7.
I had to go to menu item My Personal Information --> Personal Information --> and take the .dev suffix off the "email" entry.
Then, when I reset my security token, it successfully sent it to the email account I was expecting.
have checked the email on my user account,its correct.
Its strange it is working for production,but not for sandboxes. what shall be checked?