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Dataloader - Connect to other databases using ODBC

Hi all,


I can see that Dataloader can be used from the Command Line to extract and import data from / to other databases. This might be especially useful in circumstances where data needs to be migrated from Oracle / SQL Server / MySQL, ...


I can´t see any documentation as to how to get this configured though, none of the links I found have any information about this, all I have are the files under /conf/sample folder.


I am interested in any documentation that explains how to connect to this datasources to extract data from different sources and import it into Salesforce.


Any help much appreciated,






You need to look for JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) drivers.  When you find the right driver, you'll need to modify the driverClassName property in database-conf.xml.


I'm currently sorting through a similar problem, so I don't have any more information than that at the moment.