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Sforce + Google maps

Enjoy, and let us know what ideas you have for integrating Sforce with Google maps!
Just wanted to post this publically...

Benji showed this to me over the weekend and I have to say this is probibly one of the killer apps for Salesforce. The ability to represent your data geographically allws you to 'see' your data in whole new ways...

... For example:

o Open service cases graphed geographically. (Do you have a cluster of problems? Can you schedule service calls in a tight group to lessen travel time?)
o Campaign Members. (Do you have a campaign over a large range, clusters of responses, should you target those better?)
o Lead Distribution
o Account penetration

... the list goes on...

The best idea, tho, came from one of my users: Can we map a report?

Not yet. But I have some ideas on that. If I only had the time.

Kudos Benji and crew -- Nice job.
Does anyone have any technotes on how to integrate this super cool app? I deployed the war file but not sure how I can get data into the map. I really like that idea of passing the data from a report into google maps. Just wondering if there is a limitation on how many bleeps you can actually have active on the map.


Can anyone tell me how to get the map to default to Canada instead of the US?




You just set a lat lon for the center that you want the map to load when first creating the map.

	map = new GMap(document.getElementById("map"));
	map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());
	map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
	map.centerAndZoom(new GPoint(-95.1419, 37.4419), 13);


Rob Lamb suggested that I get with you on an issue. I need to put up GoogleMaps so I can show mgmt our clients on a map.

I have created the lon and lat data fields, but I can't seem to put my hands on the text that I need to past into the S-control to make this happen. Can you locate this and email it to me at


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