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Copying Data

I have 2 SFDC developer accounts with a custom app developed in one.  I was able to pack the app up and install it under the other account.  I would now like to copy the data to the new instance also.  Can anyone suggest a good way to do this?  I tried using Apex Data Loader, but the references between the tables get lost in the process.  Am I doing something wrong? 

Message Edited by WesGray on 05-19-2008 05:00 PM
When you import using Data Loader, you will have to use an external id to relate the object with its parent(s). This is due to the fact that the salesforce ids will be recreated upon import (you cannot set these).
What do you mean "external ID".  When a user creates a child record, AFAIK there is only the Salesforce ID field which relates it to the parent record.
If the parent object to your custom object has a unique identifier (that is not the 15-character Salesforce id), you can set this as an external id (basically just a foreign key in database terminology).

When you use the data loader to import your custom objects, you can use this external id to identify the parent. Since this introduces another field that both your parent object and custom object must have (it only needs to be an external id on the parent object), I don't know if this will help unless you compose the external id with a formula.