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Trigger issue updating fields

So I am trying to do something very simple but it doesnt want to update the field. After a user creates a case I want to update a field in that case based on what the user entered. Problem is it just doesnt put anything in there. The field is a text box on the case. This seems like it should put something in there.. Am I missing anything here?
trigger updateCase on Case (after update, after insert)
Case[] cs = [select Id, AccountId, Account_Owner__c, Account_Owner_Email__c  from Case where Id in];
cs[0].Account_Owner_Email__c = 'Something';  //for now just hard coding something in to see the field actually update

because "after insert" is run after the row is inserted into the DB. you want a before insert trigger.
Thanks, but now it gives me a List has no rows for assignment error because the query  doesnt have an Id yet I am assuming..?
You don't need the query, contains all the case objects being created,you can just set the fields on those case objects directly.

One more doesnt like what I have highlited in red. Error says unexpected token: trigger...

trigger updateCase on Case (before insert)

    for (Integer i = 0; i <; i++)
       Account[] acc = [select Id, Name, A_P_Contact_Name__c from Account where Name =: Trigger[i].new.Owner ];
       User[] usr = [select Id, Name, Email from User where Name =: acc[0].A_P_Contact_Name__c];         [i].Account_Owner__c = acc[0].A_P_Contact_Name__c;[i].Account_Owner_Email__c = usr[0].Email;





I am alittle further. I can query in the apex data explorer using the AccountId to look for the account's contact just like below. But the code below doesnt work in this trigger...

Error: Compile Error: Invalid bind expression type of SOBJECT:Case does not match domain of foreign key at line 3 column 77

trigger updateCase on Case (before insert)
       Case[] newCase = [select id, AccountId from Case where AccountId in];
       Account[] acc = [select Id, Name, A_P_Contact_Name__c from Account where Id =: newCase.AccountId];
       User[] usr = [select Id, Name, Email from User where Name =: acc[0].A_P_Contact_Name__c];         [0].Account_Owner__c = acc[0].A_P_Contact_Name__c;[0].Account_Owner_Email__c = usr[0].Email; 


try this!

trigger updateCase on Case (before insert)
      for(Case cid :

       //Case[] newCase = [select id, AccountId from Case where AccountId in:ccid];
       Account[] acc = [select Id, Name, A_P_Contact_Name__c from Account where Id =: cid.AccountId];//u can directly get the accountId from line no 3

       User[] usr = [select Id, Name, Email from User where Name =: acc[0].A_P_Contact_Name__c];   
       cid.Account_Owner__c = acc[0].A_P_Contact_Name__c;
       cid.Account_Owner_Email__c = usr[0].Email;



-- Ganu

That works, thank you very much..