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KerryGroup DevKerryGroup Dev 

Update field when another field is updated.

I have a set of fields on a custom object.








The fields are all number field except for the field “FieldChangeDate” which is a date and time field.


My question is, is there a way for me to automate updating the field “FieldChangeDate” when ever Field1, Field2 or Field3 changes?


I’m currently exploring work flow rules but so far I’m having no luck getting them to update that field when another field changes.


Thanks for any advice or tips.
This should be doable with the Field Updates action in Workflow.
KerryGroup DevKerryGroup Dev
What criteria do I use to detect a change in Field1, Field2 or Field3? And if there is no change in those fields how do I know not to update the FieldChangedDate?

Were you able to resolve this issue? I am currently having the same problem.


Right now I am using ISCHANGED(Fiedl1) but it will not work for multiple fields.