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Ending support for weak SSL Protocol

I just receive an email that there will be changes to the SSL support this weekend.
I've got a number of old XML-RPC integrations running, how can test to ensure those won't be affected by the change?
Thank you,
As indicated in the email, if you are one of the few affected, you would of been contacted months ago about it.

We integrate on behalf of our clients, so my concern is that our clients were notified and not us.

Are you aware of any potential issues if we are using the the XML-RPC API?   Is there really nothing that can be done about testing this ahead of time? 

If you're really not sure if your client uses 128 bit SSL, go ahead and run a test against a developer edition org, then send me your DE org's organizationId and which instance you're on, and i'll check the logs for you.
Great, thank you so much - that will help to ease my mind.
I just made an XML-RPC (API 2.0) login call to my developer org at 29/03/2007 9:32:11 EDT AM (according to the login history).  The orgID is 00D300000000WuU and the instance is NA1.
Thanks again,
Looks like you're fine, its using
RC4-MD5 TLSv1 Non-Export 128-bits

Much appreciated!