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Krishna Prasad K PKrishna Prasad K P 

Can we have field which is invisible in edit mode and visible in view mode(detail page)?

Hi all,

Can we have a field which is invisible in edit mode and visible in detail-page(view) mode?

If yes,I could safely populate automated values which is calculated based on user inputs(input form contains related check boxes and fields require lot of validation) using s-control  and   save that object without the  fear of user intervention on that field.

Please provide me a solution....

Thanks in advance,
Krishna -

You can accomplish exactly what you want with a formula field.  This field is read-only, does not appear on an edit page, and can be set from other values.

Hope this helps.

Krishna Prasad K PKrishna Prasad K P
Thanks Ricky, But the field value is calculated using user inputs where these input fields cannot be included in the Sobject edit page.. since the input contains related check boxes and button fields.. means if I checked some checkboxes some fields have to be disabled..and has to apply lot of validation rules... so it is necessary t use an s-control to accept these inputs and do the calculations ... and also it should open standard edit page with this value populated in my field. So if i could hide the 'output field' in the edit mode i can save the Sobject without any validation trigger(user will not modify it..) Also this field should be displayed in the view mode (detail-page) Help me to get a solution... Thanks in advance, Krishna

Message Edited by Krishnaprasad on 11-05-2007 02:16 AM

Can you just set the field to Read Only on those layouts where it appears?