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Unknown Tag (Apex:Page) errors in IDE

Is there some way to turn off the 'Unknown Tag' warnings in the IDE? Every time I edit an apex page or class it's covered with yellow squiggly lines, which is really annoying.

I've tried going through the preferences screen but haven't found anything yet.

I'm using the Spring 09 release of IDE. 

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Thanks Jon


I think I found a setting that will work. In General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations


Select 'Warnings' in the Annotation Types list, and uncheck the 'Text as' checkbox.


That seems to have removed the yellow squiggles, but still allows auto complete to work.



All Answers


The Visualforce editor in the IDE does not yet support code assist for Visualforce tags.  The current editor is actually based on the Eclipse HTML editor, which is why it provides code assistance for HTML tags.  Unfortunately, the trade off for HTML tag completion is that Eclipse puts warning indicators on unknown elements such as Visualforce tags.


Some of the squiggly lines may be due to the spell checker, which can be disabled from Eclipse Preferences under General > Editors > Text Editors > Spelling.


We'll investigate whether there's a way to turn off these warning messages at the code level for the Visualforce editor, until such time as we add full Visualforce support.




Thanks Jon


I think I found a setting that will work. In General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations


Select 'Warnings' in the Annotation Types list, and uncheck the 'Text as' checkbox.


That seems to have removed the yellow squiggles, but still allows auto complete to work.



This was selected as the best answer


Hi Jon,
  Is there any ETA when there might be 'full VisualForce support' in the IDE? I would think such a feature would have enough internal priority that it would be done by now.

Rich C.

JonP wrote:

The Visualforce editor in the IDE does not yet support code assist for Visualforce tags.  The current editor is actually based on the Eclipse HTML editor, which is why it provides code assistance for HTML tags.  Unfortunately, the trade off for HTML tag completion is that Eclipse puts warning indicators on unknown elements such as Visualforce tags.


Some of the squiggly lines may be due to the spell checker, which can be disabled from Eclipse Preferences under General > Editors > Text Editors > Spelling.


We'll investigate whether there's a way to turn off these warning messages at the code level for the Visualforce editor, until such time as we add full Visualforce support.