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Eclipse Synchronize problems

Sorry, newbie question here: I have been able to create an Apex trigger using the Eclipse Force IDE, but when I go to Salesforce and click the Active checkbox, I can no longer save using Eclipse. I get an error about a conflict due to a user update on Salesforce and I should use the Synchronize Perspective to solve the problem. I open the Synchronize Perspective in Eclipse, but there's nothing in the pane. I don't see a way to synchronize the files.

Any ideas? Thanks.

Greg HGreg H
You should be able to eliminate this problem by following these steps:
  1. Within Eclipse, right click on your trigger
  2. Select the "" option from the resulting option box
  3. Select "Refresh from Server" from the next set of options
Eclipse should go out and get the Trigger from your org and pull that to the machine where you have Eclipse installed.  You should be able to edit without problem from there.
That did the trick! Thanks so much! I was really getting frustrated.
