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Storage Space Options

Hi All,


We are over the limit on storage space, does anyone know of any good options for reducing the amount of storage used (other than deleting).




You can try storing some data in Amazon web services. This works especially well for multimedia files.


You can also buy more storage from Salesforce.


If you have lots of attachements, suggest users to move them to Document folder. Document space doesn't count against user storage limit. Using Content is also a good option to store all data realted to marketing & training.


To reduce your storage usage, try to delete any outdated leads or contacts and remove any unnecessary attachments. In Salesforce CRM Content, delete files to reduce your storage limit.


To increase your storage limit, you can purchase additional storage space, or in Professional, Enterprise, and Unlimited Editions, you can also add user licenses.


Take the following into consideration when planning your storage needs:

* Person accounts count against both account and contact storage because the API considers each person account to consist of one account as well as one contact.

* Archived activities count against storage.

* Nothing that is deleted counts against storage.

* Active or archived products, price books, price book entries, and assets do not count against storage.


Hope this helps.


What type of stoge you are talking about. i.e DataBase records or record based document attachements.


Record based document attachements.