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Custom Settings in Managed Packages



Can somebody confirm this: if I create a new Custom Setting and set its type to Hierarchy then I should be able to modify what's in there after it gets wrapped inside a Managed Package and released? Can this be done with List types too?




Did you ever figure this out?  I fear that the answer is you can't edit after managed.  We were excited by this feature to allow us to have settings the end user could change after they installed a package.  After packaging and testing it appears you can't edit the data which makes it pretty worthless. 


Ron HessRon Hess
I think your end user profile needs "Customize Application" perm

Dear Ron,


We have a managed package with embedded Flex objects that we use for aircraft and crew scheduling. The objects need to read a custom setting (list type) to determine what dataset to load (broad for sales, narrow for operations). The Flex objects access the DB via the Apex API.


SF support tells us the only way we can do this is for the User accessing the object to have "Customize Application" permission (not good...!), but we only want Read access, not Read/Write or Manage.


Is there a way around this? Do we have to use heirarchy type instead of list type?


Many thanks for your help.


Perfect Aviation