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Word Wrap on Checkbox field

Creating a new checkbox field and my field name is getting cut off.  I tried using only one column and I still couldn't get it all.  Any ideas?
Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 



Currently there is a 40 character limit for field names  and labels in salesforce.If your label exceeds that, it will get truncated.

All Answers


Hello BLKI;

It is difficult for me to understand your question correctly. Could you please post a small sample of you code.


This is just a standard checkbox field.  I don't have any code behind it.  I am trying to put "The customer is not standardized with a competitor" as the Field Label but it is cutting off to "The customer is not standardized with a".  Is there any way to fit more in the Field Label?




Currently there is a 40 character limit for field names  and labels in salesforce.If your label exceeds that, it will get truncated.

This was selected as the best answer