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Adding Help Links to a custom visualforce page
I'm currently testing a new Visualforce page to display any related lists in the form of tabs. Unfortunately when I tried this out, the Help links disappeared.
Traditionally each related list has a help link (in the example below - the Contacts related list is shown), so why did the help link not transfer across?
Here is a sample of the code that I used for my tabbed record page:
<apex:page standardController="Account" showHeader="true" > <style> .activeTab {background-color: #236FBD; color:white; background-image:none} .inactiveTab { background-color: lightgrey; color:black; background-image:none} </style> <apex:tabPanel switchType="client" selectedTab="tabdetails" id="AccountTabPanel" tabClass="activeTab" inactiveTabClass="inactiveTab" > <apex:tab label="Details" name="AccDetails" id="tabdetails" > <apex:detail relatedList="false" title="true" /> </apex:tab> <apex:tab label="Contacts" name="Contacts" id="tabContact"> <apex:relatedList subject="{!account}" list="contacts" /> </apex:tab>
Can the Help links be retrieved?
Hope someone out there can lend a hand.
I'm looking for an answer for the same question also.
Rich C.
I am also looking in to this, any progress?
Edit: Nevermind this is a dead post from 2009