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Hi All,

I was looking at the screencast for PTODemo (Time Off Manager App). I am very impressed with it. I am wondering if it is available for public use. One thing I am still wondering how to do, I noticed that after the demonstrator clicked on "Submit for Approval", the button (along with a few others) will no longer showing when next time the document opens. How to do that? Anyone?

We are planning to make a version of this app available on the AppExchange in the near future.  Stay tuned.

Regarding the dynamic visibility of the buttons, this was done using multiple record types & page layouts.  As the time-off request flows through the steps of the approval process, the record type is changed with each step, causing a different page layout to be displayed.

There are trade-offs to using this approach.  The upside is a better user experience; the downside is a proliferation of additional page layouts (1 per distinct set of visible buttons) that must be maintained going forward. 


Eric Bezar
Apex Platform Product Management
First of all, thank you for responding. What do you mean by changing the record type? Do you mean a different custom object or just a field on the custom object? When will the app be available on AppExchange?
Record Types are special fields on custom objects (and many standard objects) in Enterprise & Unlimited Edition.  The online help summarizes as follows:

Record types allow you to offer different business processes, picklist values, and page layouts to different users based on their profiles. Record types can be used in various ways, for example:
  • Create record types for opportunities to differentiate your regular sales deals from your professional services engagements and offer different picklist values for each.
  • Create record types for cases to display different page layouts for your customer support cases versus your billing cases.
Here's a link to the online help topic:

thank you.

Hi Eric,

I too liked the demo and have been trying to implement an inline calendar and event booking within a project management app within salesforce.

Can you clarify when this might become available or can you share any S Controls that would help?




Warren Lester

We just posted a new version of this app to the AppExchange.

It is an updated version that uses Apex Code pretty extensively and incorporates many of the new features in Summer '07.


Thanks Eric.
Unfortunately, this only works with an Unlimited account and as Enterprise users we do not have access to Apex code.
Can a version be made to work with Enterprise?
At Dreamforce, we announced an Apex add-on option for Enterprise Edition.  Ask your sales rep about it.


Hi Eric

Is it possible to make this application work with Enterprise Edition Users?

