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Campaign Influence for Opportunity


while working quite a lot with campaigns and opportunities, I'm faced with the problem to create campaign influence records for opportunities in batch (not manually)

Adding an influence for an contact or lead is quite easy; add a record to the table CampaignMember and that's it... 


But - in which table are records stored that define a relationship between an opportunity and a campaign? Can't find it - the prefix is 0BG - if this might help anybody.


Many thanks in advance!


I am also trying to add "Campaign Influence" to my tabbed opportunity visualforce page, but cannot find the child relationship name for it in apex explorer.


Maybe my question is related to your question?


Currently Campaign Influence is not exposed in the API.  It's on our roadmap, but not yet public.



Hi John -


Any update on this?




So, three years later, it's still not there. 

Chirag MehtaChirag Mehta

Any updates on this? years, days counting ...


Some crickets chripin' in here.


Any update on CampaignInfluence in the API?  I have use cases where sales teams want to use campaigns to track actions related to sets of opportunities. But there is no way to mass-add opps to a campaign, so they cannot use campaigns for this.

Chirag MehtaChirag Mehta
Might be use apex code via trigger to do the required. Current workaround is really tedious and not acceptable approach, that update Primary Campaign field n times, where n is number of campaigns that you want to link the opportunity with
Mark Tyler CrawfordMark Tyler Crawford
This was delivered in winter 17. Check it out here: