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Workflow - Update Select List - How to?

Ho everybody,


Is there anyway - except with APEX - to update a select list?


I know that SF natuarly doenst support this - Buy maybe you know a workaround.


Best regards,



Hello Freytag;

What do you mean by  "update a select list"..???

If you want to add more options to the list you can do it by using a javascript.  However if you expect something different pls try to explain further. 


<apex:page controller="MyController">


function insert(selectListId) {

var selectList = document.getElementById(selectListId);

var newOption = document.createElement('option');

newOption.text = 'NewCountry';

newOption.value = 'NewCountry';





<apex:selectList size="1" id="myList">

<apex:selectOptions value="{!items}"></apex:selectOptions>


<apex:commandButton value="Add" onclick="insert('{!$component.myList}');return false;"/>





Hey Prageeth,


thanks for your time!


By "update a select list" i mean to change the value of it with a field update function.

The functions which are triggered by a workflow-rule.


Right now i cant only select a value above/ bellow or directly define a value. 

But a can not let a formula select a value <- This is what i would need.

アン グエン 5アン グエン 5
I also meet @Freytag's problem
Anybody can answer that question?