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Developing and Deploying Apex Classes using SalesForce UI

I am a newbie (to SFDC) and don't see how to create and deploy Apex classes (Initially using to create VisualForce controllers) using web site (I haven't tried Eclipse tool yet).

Basically, documentation from says

The Salesforce user interface. All scripts are compiled when they are saved, and any syntax errors are flagged. You cannot save your code until it compiles without errors. The Salesforce user interface also numbers the lines in a script, and uses color coding to distinguish different elements, such as comments, keywords, literal strings, and so on.

  • For a trigger on a standard object, click Setup | Customize, click the name of the object, and click Triggers. In the Triggers detail page, click New, and then enter your code in the Body text box.
  • For a trigger on a custom object, click Setup | Develop | Objects, and click the name of the object. In the Triggers related list, click New, and then enter your code in the Body text box.
  • For a class, click Setup | Develop | Apex Classes. Click New, and then enter your code in the Body text box.
However, in my account:
  • For a trigger on a standard object, click Setup | Customize, click the name of the object, and click Triggers. In the Triggers detail page, click New, and then enter your code in the Body text box. There is no "Triggers" to select.
  • For a trigger on a custom object, click Setup | Develop | Objects, and click the name of the object. In the Triggers related list, click New, and then enter your code in the Body text box. There is no Triggers list.
  • For a class, click Setup | Develop | Apex Classes. Click New, and then enter your code in the Body text box. There is no "Develop - Apex Class" selection. There is "API", "Components", "Pages", "s-Controls" and "Static Resources" but no Apex Class.
I used and poked around these options a bit: API points to developer url (, Components are for reusable Apex markup (not code), pages are for Visual Force, S-Controls for S-controls and static for uploading files (jar's, images, etc).

So either I am just not seeing it,  documentation is out of date or for some reason (such as rights), these do not show up as options.  I have trial account.

Any guidance apprceciated.

If can't find, I can try the Eclipse route which I'll probably end up using anyway.

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Please IGNORE previous post.

Figured it out myself - logged in wrong edition - figured it was something like that. 


All Answers

Please IGNORE previous post.

Figured it out myself - logged in wrong edition - figured it was something like that. 


This was selected as the best answer

i am having same problem.........

I am using enterprise edition....


What is is the solution........??


You can create Triggers, Apex Classes, and VisualForce Pages in a Dev or Sandbox org using either the UI or the IDE. I, and probably most developers here, highly recommend the IDE.


To deploy Apex code (Trigger, Component, Apex Class) from a Dev or Sandbox org to a Production Org you have to use either the IDE or the Ant Deployment tool. The IDE is the simplest method, but Ant is useful for large and repetitive deployments. In addition, before deploying you have to write Unit Test classes to 'test' your Apex code to ensure that at least 75% of the code successfully runs before will allow it to be deployed into a Production Org.


Start here: IDE page: 

