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Opportunity Stage Control

I am working with a client that wants to really control opportunity stage based on a series of tasks that have to be completed for each stage.


For Instance


Stage- Education cannot advance to Discovery unless Educations Tasks (Gates - their term) of identified project, agreement to next steps, and met contact with influence have ALL been selected from a multi select picklist.  The GATES multi-select picklist is a dependent field based upon the status picked in Stage.


At the very least I think some data validation that states "You have not selected the necessary Gates to move the opportunity to the next step" would be appropriate.  I'm just not sure how to do it.


Greg HGreg H
If all of the validation is based on fields available to the user on the Opportunity screen then you can apply validation rules on the Opportunity. Click Setup > Customize (Under App Setup) > Opportunities > Validation Rules and then follow the steps on the validation rules screens to create your rules.
If your validation requires checking criteria for specific records related to the opportunity then you might be best suited using an Apex trigger to perform the validation.