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ContactHistory sobject

I have activated Contact History Tracking in SF and all is working there. I am using Crystal Reports and thier Sales Force driver to access and report from my sales force database.  In the table listing in crystal reports, it isn't showing my history tables (i am looking for ContactHistory)  WHen i write sql query in crystal reports to access this table it says "Invalid_Type: sObject type 'ContactHistory' is not supported"  Is there a way to access these tables?
Message Edited by dlaidig on 03-27-2009 10:14 AM
It may well be that Crystal Reports is using some old endpoint from before ContactHistory was available.  Do you know what endpoint Crystal Reports is on?
no i don't.  I'm not even sure where to find that out.  I'm using crystal reports version
You could ask Crystal (or BOBJ or whoever) what endpoint they use, or you can divine it yourself by turning on a debug log for the user that Crystal is logging in as at Setup->Monitoring->Debug Logs.