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email2case error



We've been getting this error in the log file since this morning, probably something that was changed in our Exchange server but we haven't figured outwhat it is:


"Message: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password."


The username and password are correct and everything is correct in our email2case settings.


Any ideas? Our email provider seems to be out of solutions...


Thank you!!

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
If your username / password for email are correct, I would check to see if the issue is with your Salesforce L/P or even if the account you're having it access has been disabled.  Please provide more of the logs if this is not helpful.  You should get something in the logs saying which login is bad and better details of why it's bad.

All Answers

Is it an IMAP failure or a failure?  That is, is it complaining about your Exchange credentials or your credentials?
If your username / password for email are correct, I would check to see if the issue is with your Salesforce L/P or even if the account you're having it access has been disabled.  Please provide more of the logs if this is not helpful.  You should get something in the logs saying which login is bad and better details of why it's bad.
This was selected as the best answer



It was an Exchange issue (the IMAP service did not started after a moontly reboot)...