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I need help with saving a report to reflecty a constant 6 month period

I am looking for help on how to have a report be saved for a six month period. Meaning that if today is 8-2-2010 the report reflect the last 6 month period Feb 2 2010 to 8-2-2010. When we are at 8-30-2010 the report reflects 2-30-2010 to 8-30-2010.


Thank you

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

From your query it appears that you wish to specify a criterion whcih enables you to generate a report over a time period of



Please refer to the following URL for this type of expressions which can be used in a Date field used for setting filter criteria.  --> use this URL when you are logged in in your ORG.


For example use these expresssions in report's filter criterion :-          

                                       Target date equals LAST MONTH

                                       Target date equals LAST 183 DAYS {whcih is in a way last six months}


Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved.

All Answers


From your query it appears that you wish to specify a criterion whcih enables you to generate a report over a time period of



Please refer to the following URL for this type of expressions which can be used in a Date field used for setting filter criteria.  --> use this URL when you are logged in in your ORG.


For example use these expresssions in report's filter criterion :-          

                                       Target date equals LAST MONTH

                                       Target date equals LAST 183 DAYS {whcih is in a way last six months}


Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved.

This was selected as the best answer

Thank you Ispita.


Can you help me with this?


I cannot figure out how to pull up this kind of list view. Where do I startt? The example link is for a custom object called "Timeline Template"

Can you help me with this?

Thank you,




do you have this custom object called :-

1) "Timeline Template" ?


2) did u assign a tab to it?


3) Are not able to create this view , or not able to find this view?




Thank you. I new it was something simple. Needed to assign tab.


Do you do any training for admins? I am still on a learning curve for workflow rules, formulas, and more advanced reporting.

Or what is the best way when I post things that you can help and get the credit?


Still new at this.

