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Building a report x axis versus y axis. Help with this please.

I am have built a matrix report where the Y axis is a Product name and the X axis is a sum amount. I want to have the Y axis = sum amont and the X axis = Product Name. Can someone help me with this?


Thank you

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 



During the report creation, in step 2 ( Select the grouping for which you would like to calculate summary information ) , Specify your row heading and specify your colum heading ( in your case, what you meant as x axis /  y axis).



All Answers




During the report creation, in step 2 ( Select the grouping for which you would like to calculate summary information ) , Specify your row heading and specify your colum heading ( in your case, what you meant as x axis /  y axis).



This was selected as the best answer

Thank you for your help.


Can you tell me change the $amounts in a report to exclude .00 or round up. Example report shows $40,150.00 for one product sold. There are numerous products at different amounts. I would like them all to report at a whole number - $40,150


Thank you




I dont think there is a direct way to convert or round the amount in the report itself. But you can create a custom field and use that custom field in your report as per your requirement.

