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I am trying to create a new custom object. But even before I do that I am trying to make a new Contact just to verify I know how to create something.


I keep getting an error about the xsi:type not being bound to a specific element. I looked in the enterprise wsdl and I believe I found what the xsi type is.


The definition at the top of the enterpise.wsdl looks like this:


<definitions targetNamespace="" xmlns="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:fns="" xmlns:ens="">


So the type is ens?

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Looks like your code adds in the xsi:type attribute without doing anything to add the xsi namespace declaration.


Yes, the xmlns:xsi=....' should be in the actual generated xml. (see the sample soap messages)



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the not bound error message is an indication that you used the xsi namespace prefix in your XML request without declaring the actual namespace URI for that prefix. To use a namespace prefix, you need to delcare it, something like xmlns:xsi=""


I am using Ruby Savon.


Here is the code I tried and changed the namespace to what you recommended. Now I get, "no operation available for request (namespace)"



client.create! do |s|
    s.header = {'wsdl:SessionHeader' => {'wsdl:sessionId' => 'session id'}}
    s.body = {"wsdl:sObjects" => {"FirstName" => 'Test', "LastName" => 'Tester'}, :attributes! => {"wsdl:sObjects" => {"xsi:type" => 'ens:Contact'}}}.to_soap_xml



Do I actually want the xmlns:xsi="" inside the body?



Looks like your code adds in the xsi:type attribute without doing anything to add the xsi namespace declaration.


Yes, the xmlns:xsi=....' should be in the actual generated xml. (see the sample soap messages)



This was selected as the best answer