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Subject Line in Tasks

Was wondering if there is a way to make a Drop down list for the Subject line in Tasks.  I realize by default we can add to a picklist, but I'm trying to prevent the subject line from being modified or typed in, and limited to just a few choices.  It appears that most of the fields are locked down, and required in the task area.

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Sorry, I forgot that the whole thing needs encased in a NOT() function and you need to replace the Picklist Value 1, Picklist Value 2, Picklist Value 3, Picklist Value 4, Picklist Value 5, to say the exact picklist values you want.


For example if you want Subject to be a picklist with options like:


Left Voicemail

Left Message with Secretary

Talked to Contact about XYZ

No Answer



NOT(Subject = "Left Voicemail"
||Subject = "Left Message with Secretary"
||Subject = "Talked to Contact about XYZ"
||Subject = "No Answer")



All Answers


Subject is a funky field because it is a picklist field that can be typed in.


Not sure if this is what you want, but you can write a validation rule that basically says



Subject = "Picklist Value 1"
||Subject = "Picklist Value 2"
||Subject = "Picklist Value 3"
||Subject = "Picklist Value 4"
||Subject = "Picklist Value 5"


This way, technically people can still type in it, but it will throw an error if what they type is not one of the picklist values you make for it.



Rule Name

Error Condition FormulaSubject = "Picklist Value 1"
||Subject = "Picklist Value 2"
||Subject = "Picklist Value 3"
||Subject = "Picklist Value 4"
Error MessageYou must enter an item from the "Picklist"!!Error LocationSubject
Created ByErik Rost, 8/6/2010 12:34 PMModified ByErik Rost, 8/6/2010 12:34 PM


I tried to write the validation rule like posted above, and didn't work.  Still able to type in anything without errors.


Sorry, I forgot that the whole thing needs encased in a NOT() function and you need to replace the Picklist Value 1, Picklist Value 2, Picklist Value 3, Picklist Value 4, Picklist Value 5, to say the exact picklist values you want.


For example if you want Subject to be a picklist with options like:


Left Voicemail

Left Message with Secretary

Talked to Contact about XYZ

No Answer



NOT(Subject = "Left Voicemail"
||Subject = "Left Message with Secretary"
||Subject = "Talked to Contact about XYZ"
||Subject = "No Answer")



This was selected as the best answer

Perfect.  Thanks.