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pbaezapbaeza free editions limitations?

Is contacts and accounts are included in free editon? I'm trying to find out but the info I find is not clear so I'd appreciate if someone with experience of this could clarify the issue.


At the FAQ it clearly states that contacts and accounts are not included. However on the Edition Comparison Chart it seems like only CRM Objects (defined as cases, solutions, campaigns, leads, opportunities, products, and forecast) are unavailable. This would indicate that accounts and contacts are included. Likewise in the Free Edition Agreement paragraph 2.2. and 2.3 see to indicate that some standard objects like accounts and contacts are included and does not mention accounts and contacts among the objects not allowable to edit. A bit confusing.


I enabled a free user in a CRM EE test org and it indeed sees both contacts and accounts. Could it bee that this is only when it's an org with both CRM users and free platform users? Or would free users of a standalone free also be able to create and edit accounts and contacts?


Furthermore I'm curious of whether free edition users can be added to a CRM PE. Nothing in the FAQ says that this is not possible, it just states that free edition can be added to existing orgs. However I think that the platform is based on EE and that might make it tricky to combine CRM PE and Free. 

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
shillyershillyer Free Edition does not include Accounts and Contacts. It's more clear under the Capacity table where it states None for Accounts and Contacts.


In your org where you enabled the100 Free licenses, are you sure you logged in as one of the - Free licenses and saw Accounts/Contacts?


As for the other editions, you are correct. Free is based off EE, so you must have EE or above to add these licenses.




All Answers

shillyershillyer Free Edition does not include Accounts and Contacts. It's more clear under the Capacity table where it states None for Accounts and Contacts.


In your org where you enabled the100 Free licenses, are you sure you logged in as one of the - Free licenses and saw Accounts/Contacts?


As for the other editions, you are correct. Free is based off EE, so you must have EE or above to add these licenses.




This was selected as the best answer
Thanks, now it's clear. I was logged in as -One app in the org where I was testing, and that explains it.