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Triggers, too many soql queries



I have created a trigger on a object. Based on a value in a field it would create required records in the second object. I am facing an error if the iteration goes beyond 8. I get a message saying there are too many soql queries.

Is there something that i am overlooking.



Krishnadas M R

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

You probably have your select statements inside a loop somehow, or perhaps are recursing, etc.


Does the second object have triggers as well?  If so, are those bulk-safe?


Post the code.  -Steve.

All Answers


You probably have your select statements inside a loop somehow, or perhaps are recursing, etc.


Does the second object have triggers as well?  If so, are those bulk-safe?


Post the code.  -Steve.

This was selected as the best answer

Hi Steve,


Thanks for the pointers, yes we had the select statements inside a loop and there were many. We were able to take the unwanted loops out and join the select statements appropriately, now it works properly.



Krishnadas M R