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Can any one please guide me how to associate user2 to the Customer Portal cp2.....


     I have two Customer Portals cp1,cp2 and two users user1, user2 both created from Contacts.

Am able to associate user1 to cp1. But when am trying to associate user2 to cp2, then when am registering from the cp2 showing an error: 


Your user profile is not associated with this service. Please contact your administrator for more information


The steps I followed are:

 1. Created a Customer Portal cp1

 2. Created a User user1 from Contact

 3. user1 is registered for the Customer Portal cp1through login url of cp1.It worked fine.

 4. upto this user1 is succefully associated to cp1 without any error.


 5. Then i ceated a new Customer Portal cp2

 6. Created a User user2 from Contact

 7. But when the user2 is trying to register with cp2 through the login url of cp2, then am facing the error mentioned in red color


*user1 and user2 are having sepperate e-mail ids.


Can any one please guide me how to associate user2 to the Customer Portal cp2?


Thanks in advance,






Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Go to the Customer Portal cp2's detail page (Setup -> Customize -> Customer Portal -> Settings -> cp2)


Scroll to the bottom where it says "Assigned Profiles"


Click "Edit Profiles" button


Make sure User2's profile is added to the list.


All Answers


Go to the Customer Portal cp2's detail page (Setup -> Customize -> Customer Portal -> Settings -> cp2)


Scroll to the bottom where it says "Assigned Profiles"


Click "Edit Profiles" button


Make sure User2's profile is added to the list.


This was selected as the best answer

Thanks Ryan for ur quick reply.


When i click "Edit Profiles" button in  Setup -> Customize -> Customer Portal -> Settings -> cp2-> "Assigned Profiles", there is only one profile  "Customer Portal Manager".


When i activated "Customer Portal Manager" profile, now am able to register to cp2. Upto this all things are 5n.:smileyhappy:


But a registered user of cp1 is able to access to the  cp2. :smileysad:which is not secured.


Then how can i fix this problem?


i.e. How to make registered user of cp2 is not allowed to access other customer portals with cp2 registration credentials?


Any suggestions are welcome....





You need portals cp2 and cp1 to have different assigned profiles.


It sounds like you have only 1 customer portal profile, the first step would be to clone that. Then set each of the portals to have a different profile (using "Assign Profiles) and make sure that only users with the correct profile can login.