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How to customize layout in lookup's popup window

Hi guys,


I wanna create a task from home Tab, there is manifying glass button near Name field in task edit page.

Once i click it, it pops up a window with two buttons, go! and new.

And if i click new button, a layout with contacts info displays below the buttons.


My question is whether we could customize this layout?


PS: does anybody know how to insert image from local driver. I couldnt make it happen.





Yes you could... to a degree.  Basically you can go to Search Layout  under that object's customize options.  It allows you to choose the columns to display on the layout - and that's about it.


I am afraid we arenot talking the same one.


Of course, i can customize the search result layout as you said.


but i want to customzie the the layout which displays after you click new button in the lookup dialog.



