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lookup field other then Name on custom object
Has anyone found a way to look up a field other then "Name" on a custom object?
function readOnly(count){ }
You need to sign in to do that
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I'd love to be able to see E-mail, or first name, last name. I can see those fields in the search bar on the side.
Can you please tell me how to enable this?
It doesn't fully make sense. Since you can use the side search bar anywhere in the system and lookup any field on a custom object.
You should be able to do this on a lookup field as the data is already indexed.
I am evaluting and honestly couldn't believe that doing something this simple would require workarounds. But this as well as a few other seemingly simple use cases have me quickly building my ablity for suspension of disbelief.
At any rate, Wm, I am interested in the details so I can continue my evaluation and get a better grip on what it takes to build something functional.
Did you able to find out the solution...if so please advice.