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Exception occurred while trying to invoke service method External entry point


     Our app has a  hierarchy as Flex-->Apex-->External Web Service and When we call the Apex Web Service we get the fillowing error:


     System.CalloutException: Web service callout failed: WebService returned a SOAP Fault: Exception occurred while trying t  invoke service method registerUserForm faultcode=soapenv:Server faultactor=External entry point


     In DE it is working fine,We installed the package in Test org and we got the above exception.


     can anyone give us a solution for solving this issue.





Please check the following


  • Whether you have set the Remote site settings in the security section of the ORG
  • The time out and end point URL has been configured same way in both the environments.


May be the Server accepting the request from the Developer edition but not from sandbox , then you need to whitelist the IP for the sandbox environments.


Thanks and Regards,

Dinesh Nasipuri


Sorry Dinesh Nasipuri,


          I forgot to mention one thing ie for the first time when i install the app in test org it is working fine and when i uninstall and reinstall it throws the above exception.


Thanks and regards.



Hi Dinesh,


how do you configure the time out and endpoint url in Salesforce ?





This is not a configuration in true sense and applicable for the APEX Call out.


You need to set the End point property and the Time Out property in the STUB apex class generated y WSDL2APEX method.


You can keep them configurable by Using 2 custom setting record and referencing them in the APEX Class Controller where you have used the STUB Class.




Dinesh Nasipuri