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Regarding Approval Process!!!
I have created an Approval Process on Opportunity. Now I have assigned the Approvers as some Users (Rejection behaviour is on First Response). Those approvers has the same role and even me has the same role.
I have created a record and submitted it for Approval Process. Now even I could also approve/reject the record but I am not the approver.
Why I am getting the Approve/Reject link when I am not the approver?
Does any permission on Profile would matter?
I'm not sure its so much the role, as it is your profile. If you have a System Admin Profile, then you can approve / reject even if you are not one of the approvers.
Thanks for the reply Ritesh,
Do you stand on wat you have said?
If you have a System Admin Profile, then you can approve / reject even if you are not one of the approvers.
I am having a similar problem, but no Admin profile is involved.
I have assigned an approval stage to a particular Queue. The Queue consists of Admins and One particular User. However, another User that is Not an Admin, and Not the specified user is able to approve or reject the stage. I do not have "allow" delegates to approve" either. Why would this happen?
The closest thing I can figure out, is that he is the record owner, but the owner is not specified as an approver at any stage, so he should not be allowed to approve or reject! Any ideas would be appreciated.