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Lookup filter on Contact Name field on Quote
Need to add filter on Contact Name Lookup field on Quote to display only those Contacts linked to the Account. At present, Contact lookup on Quote shows all the Contacts. I tried to add Lookup Filter on Contact Name field but not able to add desired filter. Please suggest.
If you want to add the filter criteria on contact name field present in quote object.
Follow the below steps
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Thank you for replying on my post. The problem is I don't see any field on Quote which I can map to Contact Name: Account ID to filter Contacts in Lookup. I'm not able to select Quote->Opportunity->AccountID.
I think you cannot filter the contact on the basis of Quote->Opportunity->AccountID criteria. But you can filter the contact on the basis on contact->accountid .
if you want to display that contact only that is associated with any account
Try the below filter criteria:
Contact Name: Account Name IDNOT EQUAL TO
Yes, we can filter Contacts on the basis of Account ID, but not able to understand how do I get the Account ID on the Opportunity for which Quote is being created. We with to display only those Contacts on Quote which are linked to the Account for which Quote is being created.
Hi, did you ever get a solution for this? I have the same problem.
Has anyone solved for this problem?
I cannot create a lookup filter on a Quote-> Contact field to only contain those contacts associated to the Account.
Please advise~
initially we wanted to have a validation rule but it is not the user friendly.. so thought of this one.
Please note that the string 'CF00N9000000EPGZN' is made up 'CF'+custom lookup field Id '00N9000000EPGZN' .
And now, We can have this button on opportunity header as well, we then changed the location of that button to opportunity detail and that is working just fine.
And the rest stay same.
Was working on the Button placement. True I am facing the same issue of New List Button being visible on the Opportunity Header. Will convert it to Detail Page Button and resolve.
Is it expected that the filter will only work if visible on the Page Layout? Any recommendations on how to hide the field but for it to still control the Contact lookup filter?
To answer ur question, We need to have the field on the layout to make the filter work.