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skip approval step in workflow when approver is member of a specific group

Hi guys,


i am working on an approval process for leave requests. When an employee requests a day off, it has to be approved by the manager. But in some cases, the central HR department enters the leave request, and it those cases it should automatically get approved (or better: not go into the approval process).


My solution is to check whether the record maker is member of a certain public group, for instance 'group central HR admin'. But i cannot define that in the approval process.


Any suggetions? Am i on the wrong track here?




Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 



I'm not sure whether you could use groups in approval criteria, But have you tried using Profiles?


Alternatively, you could create a trigger to update a custom field if the user is from a perticulor group and then check that field value in your approval criteria.




All Answers




I'm not sure whether you could use groups in approval criteria, But have you tried using Profiles?


Alternatively, you could create a trigger to update a custom field if the user is from a perticulor group and then check that field value in your approval criteria.




This was selected as the best answer

Yes, i saw that workflow allows criteria based on profile fields. In my org, everybody has the same profile, so i prefer not to use a specific profile name in my workflow, but check on an attribute in a profile. Unfortunately, you cannot create custom fields in a profile, can you?


The solution you propose to create a custom field in the leave req is probably the best way to go forward, thanks for that tip!


Br, Marco