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Scott VanScott Van 

Want to create a new homepage that can be adjusted independantly by users? THanks, Scott


I have no idea about how to program anything, but thought I'd give this a try.  I use Salesforce to log account information.  I'd like to setup a Homepage for each individual user.  The idea is this: when a user logs in, they can then enter required information into a layout that I will design (mainly text).  This will be their own information and indepedant from the other users.  I would be able to oversee everyones's homepage.

Can anyone help with this?

Thanks, Scott


Hey scott, there is a couple of different ways to do this depending on your budget, what version and what else you have.

Salesforce has a customer portal for the enterprise but your limited on what you can show and each (conact) customer needs a linense.

Salesforce has an api that that can be turn on for lower editions like professional, but then you need an extrenal website with a host.

Another option is site for enterprise and force, where customers would not login and all vistors could see the home page.

If you want to talk more then contact me and we can set up an appointment.