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Login to sandbox
I am a little bit confused with sandbox login. We are using Free Edition that has 1 sandbox limit and after creating sandbox, only that person who created sandbox is able to log in there. Other users cannot log in even they see it under Setup-> data monitoring.
Is this how it works or is there any settings that needs to be changed in order allow other users to log in?
The login URL for the sandbox is and user have to add the sandbox name to the end of production login as follows
Production Login ID:
Sandbox Login ID :
Thanks for your advice, but I know that sandbox name has to be added in the login name and it does not work for other than user who created sandbox.
Can anybody confirm if in theory other users can login to sandbox (with sandbox name at end of their login names)? I have going through documentation and haven't found anything that says either way...
I think only the regular Salesforce User's can login to the free one's Sandbox where the "force users" can't. I think this is what you mean right.
Could it be this?
User permissions required: