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page layout and record type

Hi All,


I have created two record types for contactobject. I have added few extra fields to record type 2. How to create  two different page layouts one for each record type? Any help on this is greatly appreciated.

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

It is quite straight - forward:-

To access page layouts for standard objects:

  1. Select  Setup | Customize.
  2. Choose the object. (Here contact)
  3. Do one of the following:
    • In Enterprise, Unlimited, and Developer Edition organizations, choose the Page Layouts link and click Edit next to the page layout you want to customize. (If you want to change existing page layout)
    • If you want to create a new one click on New button on the "Page layout" listing  page. And add all the fields you want.3. After you have created two page layout next task would be to assign them to the two different  record types. For that on the Page layout listing page which you can access by  going to -- Setup | Customize | Contact | Page layouts there you will see two buttons "New" and "Page Layout Assignment" click on that and assign the respective layouts to respective record types for the profiles you want , if you are confused apply to all the profiles but if you apply to profile of your user you will see the difference.

      Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved.

All Answers


It is quite straight - forward:-

To access page layouts for standard objects:

  1. Select  Setup | Customize.
  2. Choose the object. (Here contact)
  3. Do one of the following:
    • In Enterprise, Unlimited, and Developer Edition organizations, choose the Page Layouts link and click Edit next to the page layout you want to customize. (If you want to change existing page layout)
    • If you want to create a new one click on New button on the "Page layout" listing  page. And add all the fields you want.3. After you have created two page layout next task would be to assign them to the two different  record types. For that on the Page layout listing page which you can access by  going to -- Setup | Customize | Contact | Page layouts there you will see two buttons "New" and "Page Layout Assignment" click on that and assign the respective layouts to respective record types for the profiles you want , if you are confused apply to all the profiles but if you apply to profile of your user you will see the difference.

      Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved.
This was selected as the best answer



Thank you for your suggestion. I followed the instructions and as you mentioned it is quite straight forward.