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query by custom id

I am new to apex and the idea to bulkify.  I have a table that will be updated.  I then take these updates and modify an account/contact based on an ID other than the Salesforce ID. I can't seem to find any examples of doing this but imagine that it must be possible.  I am doing this in a class and not the trigger.


I have found several examples on how to query the data via the Salesforce ID but not an alternate field.  Currently I am putting all the changes that are being requested into a list.  I then want to take that list of IDs(custom id) and query the data.


//Here are the account that I want to update

list<Account> accounts


//Here I am creating a set of the ids to query from

        Set <ID> aId = new Set<ID>();
        for (Account ac : accounts)


//here I want to query all the accounts in the list above.

    List<Account> AccountExists = [select id,MTP_Account_ID__c from Account where MTP_Account_ID__c in :aid];


I get that the number being passed is an invalid ID.  Which is true if looking for Salesforce ID but I want to use my custom ID to query from.  I not sure what I am missing....






Try the following and let me know if it works:



Set <String> aId = new Set<String>();





