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override opportunity tab question

I have a simple need. I just want to override the opportunity tab for all users to show only the list view of recently viewed opps (getting rid of the tools, reports, etc options on the tab view).


I know how to override the tab, but what code do I need in my vf page that keeps that "View:" dropdown menu at the top of the page?  no matter what page I use to override the opp tab, I lose that view selection menu, which i definitely want to keep.  i casn't find anything about this online, amazingly.


this is easy.  anyone know how to keep that "view" picklist on a standard tab override?

Ankit AroraAnkit Arora

I don't think you can customize a page similar like that, but using this code you will get a list view page with a default list view selected. Not sure about displaying the recent items.


    <apex:listViews type="Opportunity"/>



Ankit Arora

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Bo ThompsonBo Thompson

What I normally do is create a visualforce page with a simple redirect action. Looks like this.

<apex:page tabStyle="Account" action="/001?fcf=00B50000006iAPw" >
Then I override the tab with that visualforce page. It doesn't give you all the other links to the standard tools, Reports, Summary, etc. that you normally get on the tab view, but it is helpful to not be forced to see the Recently Viewed standard tab page.
The Action is the end of the url when you are viewing a custom list view. You can change the ID for whatever list view you want to default to. Find the ID by editing the list view and looking for it in the URL. If you need to default to "Recently Viewed" list view you'll need to find the id in the developer tools for your browser.