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Varma MudduluruVarma Mudduluru 

Dataloader date error

Hi everyone,


I am using dataloader to load data into salesforce. I'm getting "Allocation End Date: invalid date: Tue Dec 31 00:00:00 GMT 15" error. I inactivated all validation rules on that object. I am using 'mm/dd/yyyyy' format. Also I have set timezone in settings as 'GMT'. Please help me to overcome this issue.




You need to use the following format for inserting Date and Date/Time data using the Data Loader:




Example: for 02 May 2013, you would need to enter - 2013-05-02T00:00:00.000Z


Hope this helps! Do click KUDOS if this solution helps you!

Prafull G.Prafull G.

You can format the column in csv file to display as mm/dd/yyyy and then try to update.


You may need to validate your timezone settings as well.

