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error in trigger
How will i set and map methods this trigger?
trigger Inventorybid on bid__c (after update) {
List<id> accIds=new List<id>();
double sumTotal = 0;
List<servoTerra_Order__c> OrderUpdate = new List<servoTerra_Order__c>();
for (bid__c bidoffer :{
for (servoTerra_Order__c ord : [select Id, Name, total__c from servoTerra_Order__c where Id=:bidoffer.Order__c])
//Sum all the Total offer
for (bid__c bidtotal: [select Id,name,Total_Offer__c from bid__c where Order__c])
sumTotal += bidtotal.Total_Offer__c;
ord.total__c = sumTotal;
upsert OrderUpdate;
Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id a0TV00000003akPMAQ; first error:
AfterUpdate caused by: System.ListException: Duplicate id in list:
a0UV0000000qI8nMAE Trigger.Inventorybid: line 33, column 1: []
Regardless of your error, you're going to want to rethink the way you are writing that trigger. You have a query within a loop and another query within that loop. If only 7 records got updated it would already break the query limit.
Definitely you need to use best practices for this trigger.
Solution to this problem is :
1. Update this List<id> accIds=new List<id>(); to
Set<id> accIds=new Set<id>();
2. change this OrderUpdate.add(ord); to
let me know if you still face issue in it.