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Insufficient Permissions when Deleting Report

User profile has Create and Customize Reports property active...

User has Read/Write to the report folder...


The user can create and edit... but not delete.

Any ideas?

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Read/Write allows users to save new reports to a public folder, but not Delete.  You'll also find that while Users can customize an existing report in that folder, they will not be able to save their changes to the same report -- they will need to save as a new report. 


You would need to give them the Manage Public Reports profile permission...but then that gives users with that profile the ability to edit/delete all reports.


I feel your pain.  I would like to give some users the ability to edit and delete reports in specific folders, but not all.  Currently, it's not possible.

All Answers


Read/Write allows users to save new reports to a public folder, but not Delete.  You'll also find that while Users can customize an existing report in that folder, they will not be able to save their changes to the same report -- they will need to save as a new report. 


You would need to give them the Manage Public Reports profile permission...but then that gives users with that profile the ability to edit/delete all reports.


I feel your pain.  I would like to give some users the ability to edit and delete reports in specific folders, but not all.  Currently, it's not possible.

This was selected as the best answer
yacygirlyacygirl hopes Salesforce will find a solution or add more dimensions to the report and dashboard security permissions.



This is quite a frustrating issue for our organization, where managers or users are unable to edit or delete reports they created in a public reports folder (without having Manage Public Reports permission).  


In granting this permission, it enables the manager or user to edit ALL reports (despite the folder Read-Only permission).    We had to remove the permission of Manage Public Reports and Manage Dashboards due to an incident, where a manager clicked into a dashboard component to the report and edited the report and saved (instead of SAVE AS), thus altering the dashboard itself.    So we had to remove the permission.



It is puzzling as to why Salesforce (being so security savy with the system) does NOT have better security permissions for reports and dashboards.   WE NEED to have the ability to GRANT edit and delete access to SPECIFIC reports (especially to give this security automatic IF you created (OWNER) the report and placed it in a public folder.


Message Edited by yacygirl on 02-23-2010 08:43 AM

We're also struggling with poor report and dashboards security.


In order to have the ability to delete reports of a folder they have access to, we have to give the Manage Public Reports permission to a group of users.


With this they have the ability to create new report folders as they please, which is continuously causing headache and cleaning efforts.


We are also struggling with the same issue. I wish salesforce puts in an enhancement where the users given read/ write permissions to the repor folder can also delete the reports in the folder.