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Restrict data access using roles
Hi all;
I have several opportunities and I want to restrict some users by viewing data of some Opportunities. I like to assign users to various user-roles and then let those roles to access only pre-defined Opportunities. It means users under some roles can't access(view / edit) some opportunities. Is there a way to do this? Can I use user-roles to accomplish this kind of a task? (If my question is not clear I'm ready to explain further.)
Yes, set up opportunity sharing to be private. If both users are admins or have view all records on opportunity, then that overrides private sharing.
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Go to sharing settings and in the opportunity object define sharing rule for the users you want to restrict
Just to be clear - defining a sharing rule GRANTS access to certain users/roles. Sharing rules don't ever deny access. The sharing model (private/read-only/read-write) combined with the user's profile's entity CRUD (create/read/update/delete/view all records/modify all records) determine whether or not a user can see a record by default. Then sharing rules kick in and potentially can grant access to additional records.
Thanks Venu and Dkador,
I am not sure whether I didn't understand your answer or my question is not clear for you. Actually what I want to do is to restrict access of some Opportunities to some users.
For an example assume that I have 2 Opportunities named Opp1 and Opp2 and 2 users named user1 and user2.
In my requirement user1 should be able to see only Opp1 and not Opp2.User2 should be able to see only Opp2 and not Opp1.
I tried CRUD and Sharing rules. But still couldn't find a solution. Is there a way in SalesForce to do this.
Yes, set up opportunity sharing to be private. If both users are admins or have view all records on opportunity, then that overrides private sharing.
Thanks Dkador,
You solved my problem.