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Migrating database from one instance of SF to another

Our company has an Enterprise Edition instance, which will be expired in a next few days and a new Professional Edition instance that is currently on Free trial. I asked them about enabling API access for this instance.


I'm looking to migrate all the customization / Apex Code / VF as well as database entries. I can do the metadata migration by saving it as a project on Eclipse it deploy it onto the new instance.


My question is, will I be able to migrate all the database entries as well? I'm thinking about writing some kind of migration script with the wsdl files, which I havn't done before.


Will it work? Anyone has any experience doing something like this?

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 


The biggest roadblock for executing any such migration in PE (Professional Edition) is the absence of API access, but you have mentioned that you would get it enabled as a premium service, then I think you should be able to do a migration via ecllipse.

But 1 thing to note here is that things:-

1. Workflow rules

2. Record types

3. API access (which u will get enabled)

are not there so in case your current org uses them then will trigger errors and will prevent migration.

A good way to check is try some data migration via data loader , if it goes without any issues and your org does not use workflow rules and record types perhaps you are good to go ahead. Still as a word of caution doing a small sample migration will be helpful n diagonising any hickups in advance.


Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved.


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The biggest roadblock for executing any such migration in PE (Professional Edition) is the absence of API access, but you have mentioned that you would get it enabled as a premium service, then I think you should be able to do a migration via ecllipse.

But 1 thing to note here is that things:-

1. Workflow rules

2. Record types

3. API access (which u will get enabled)

are not there so in case your current org uses them then will trigger errors and will prevent migration.

A good way to check is try some data migration via data loader , if it goes without any issues and your org does not use workflow rules and record types perhaps you are good to go ahead. Still as a word of caution doing a small sample migration will be helpful n diagonising any hickups in advance.


Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved.


This was selected as the best answer

Thanks Ispita for the reply. We are in the process of requesting the API access (for a fee... unfortunately). I'll mark this as solved or ask for more help when I can try this. Again, thanks.


I didn't know that Apex Code is not supported in PE. We are forced to continue using EE, but what you said above was all true, so I'll accept that as a solution. Thanks a lot.