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master detail and report types


I had a custom object (Interests) with a lookup field.

I realized I should have made it a master-detail relationship with Contacts.

After changing to master-detail there was no longer an Interests and Contacts report type in Other reports like there was when it was just a lookup.

Now none of my reports work :(

Any advise or documentation on how Report Types work with master-detail?  Aren't they auto created?






If you are unable to find the new location for the report, you may want to try creating the object relationship manually by creating a Custom Report Type.


Setup -> App Setup -> Create -> Report Types.

Hi I reverted to lookup fields so all my reports would come back. Spoke to our contractor who said this is one of the quirks of master-detail relationships and thus he hardly ever uses them. Thanks for you input! Tam

i am also having problem in report types...did anyone know how to use two report types in a single report?




reply me as soon as possible