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Sapn ThakurSapn Thakur 

Custom field which will show the converted amount to selected currency

Hi All,


We have not enabled Advanced Currency Management for out organization. Default currency is USD.


We are having two custom fields, one is picklist which will have all currency listed from where we can select the currency and other field lets call "Custom Amount" which will show the amount converted to the currency selected in picklist.

And the standard "Amount" field in Opportunity will show the amount in USD and the "Custom Amount" fields will show the amount converted to the currency selected in picklist.


Please let me know how we can achieve this. Thanks!



Shashikant SharmaShashikant Sharma

Yes you can achieve it , you just need  a maintain formula for each currency with USD


Like if One of your currency is in picklist is Indian Rupee and Ammount on Oppurtunity is 100$ the Custom Ammount  would be 


CustomAmmount__c = 100 * 45 (Assuming that 1 USD  = 45 Indian Ruppes)


Same for Others


You can Create a Mapping Object for this

With two Fields Custom Currency and Multiplier to Convert it to USD

Sapn ThakurSapn Thakur

Hi Shashikant,


Thanks for the reply.

Yes, we can achieve it creating workflow rules and field update.


But I am not sure what do you mean by "create Mapping Object for this With two Fields Custom Currency and Multiplier to Convert it to USD". Can you please elaborate it. Thanks!



Shashikant SharmaShashikant Sharma

By mapping Object I meant a Object CurrentcyMapper__c With two Fields Custom CurrencyName__c and Multiplier__c  to Convert it to USD. So when you select the Indian Ruppe and Save the Ammount 100$. In the trigger


CurrentcyMapper__c  cm = [Select Multiplier__c from CurrentcyMapper__c  where CurrencyName__c = 'Indian Ruppe'];

 you can use cm.Multiplier__c  for converting 100$ to Indian Ruppe.


let me know if any issues in it.