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Formula Compile Size Inconsistencies
Hey guys,
I have a question about formula compile size:
1) I notice that hitting the "Save" button and the "Check Syntax" button reports different compile sizes. I have a formula that is apparently about 2700 characters in compile size, or at least thats what it says when I hit "Check Syntax". If I click "Save" it says the formula cannot be saved because its compile size is about 5500 characters. If I paste the formula into word it says the formula is under 1000 characters, I understand this is not the same thing as compile size, but that seems to be a bloated compilation. What is the difference between the number reported when I hit "Save" as opposed to when I hit "Check Syntax"?
2) I understand oracle db has a 64k or 128k limit on its queries, but why is there a limit on individual formulas? Wouldnt be limiting the size of the SOQL query be enough? Can I get formula compile size black tabbed?
I can answer question 1 now.
1) "Check Syntax" always reports the compile size of the formula. "Save" shows either the compile size of the formula, or if there are any formulas that depend on the formula you are trying to save, and the dependent formula has a compile size larger than 5000 and larger than the compile size of the formula you are trying to save, then it shows that number.