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Demo site needed

Hi Guys,


I've an App developed using Developer Edition. Now I want to put it on AppExchange and also I want to demo application to my customers. I never done that before. So how can I do this. Please tell me the steps.




Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 



Publishing and having a Test Drive on the AppExchange is a multi-step process.  The full instructions are at  


Once you are ready, you can begin the publishing process by going to the AppExchange and clicking on the Publishing tab at the top.


If you have any specific questions, please respond to this post and I will try and help you out.


Hope this helps.


All Answers




Publishing and having a Test Drive on the AppExchange is a multi-step process.  The full instructions are at  


Once you are ready, you can begin the publishing process by going to the AppExchange and clicking on the Publishing tab at the top.


If you have any specific questions, please respond to this post and I will try and help you out.


Hope this helps.


This was selected as the best answer

Thanks man!