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Mapping a Web To Lead field to a custom lookup field

Hi all,


I have been trying to map a picklist value from our company website to a custom lookup field on the Leads object.  We have successfully mapped a campaign value from our website to the Campaign lookup field on the Leads object, but we can't seem to get this to work.


Here is the successful Campgin map: '70130000000fbri' AS 'Campaign_ID',


The value that we are trying to pass is: '0013000000u3Yj0AAE'

The custom lookup field is called: Master_Agent__c

The custom lookup field ID is: 'CF00N30000007ZIUmj_id0_j_id2'


Can anyone give me some guidence on this one.  I know this can be done, but I cannot figure out how to pass it to a custom lookup field.





Santhosh KumarSanthosh Kumar
The custom lookup field ID is: 'CF00N30000007ZIUmj_id0_j_id2'

 Looks like the lookup field id value is wrong. Did you copy this value from html source generated from app? Usually prefixes "j_id0_j_id2" are for internal use only.


Why don't you create a new web-to-lead form and use that? 


I removed the extra characters and it still will not map.  The field does not show up on the web to lead form when you create it from SFDC.

Santhosh KumarSanthosh Kumar

Did you select that custom field while creating the web-to-lead form?



It does not show up on the list to select.

Talha SaqibTalha Saqib
This guide can help you to use custom lookup field in the web-to-lead form: