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Doubt in lookup relationship
55) Object X has a lookup to Object Y. What among the following statements are TRUE Please choose two (2). Please choose two (2).
- a) Fields of both X and Y are accessible from Object Y.
- b) Fields of Object Y can be accessed from Object X.
- c) Fields of both Y and X are accessible from Object X.
- d) Fields of Object X can be accessed from Object Y.
Ans: b,c
Any body explain this scenario
X only reference a single Y
Y references a lot of X
If you are in Y and you need fields from X, you dont know what X is the correct (because you have a lot), so you can't acces them,
If you are X, you only have one Y, you can acces it.
So the correct answers are B and C as you say because from Object X you can read you own fields and Y fields.
Think that the lookup relation is only one-way direction.
It is because in Parent child relation ship you can directly acces PArent's field in child object using Parent field API but reverse is not possible
'b' is correct and
every field of any object is accessbile from this object so 'c' is also correct.